My Plan for a Pastoral Life

This  year of my life has been as unusual as 2007, when I left the medical field after 27 years and opened a yoga studio. This year, I closed the studio, and with a desire to create a pastoral life centered on personal spiritual growth and becoming one with nature, I moved to the piney forests of deep east Texas to be nearer to my family. I will be here for a while I think, and so I begin by deepening my personal practice through yoga, tai chi, meditation, and study of principle and scripture within the context of nature. My next step is upon me as my son, grandson, and I settle into our new home on Toledo Bend Lake. The home we have selected will become my permaculture model, from which I seek to know Gaia in her fullness. I plan to share what I learn here in these pages. It will not be just an exploration of information or technique, but also of the wisdoms found in nature that  can be applied in life. I found this scripture the other day when working on a newsletter for my sister.

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you, or speak to the earth and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”
 Job 12:7-10.
Even as a nature and animal lover all of my life, even as I knew that this was the mind of the creator, still I had not seen it written down thus until then. At that time, I knew with certainty, that here, in this stage of life, I have again connected with my life’s mission, to learn, to heal, and to teach. My sincere hope is that the eyes that fall upon these pages will see a reflection of the creator that is pleasing and true. I hope that it will provide a safe place for anyone who is also seeking peace through oneness with the Earth to speak about it, to share what they have learned. In gratitude, Pam.

3 responses to “My Plan for a Pastoral Life

    • Oh thank you Karen. I felt so grateful to find it, as though heaven were reaching out in that moment with the exact affirmation I needed. “I lead a pastoral life” has become an important message I give myself during my morning prostrations AND when my peace bubble is being popped, 🙂

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